Making an Authentically Catholic Education Accessible for All Families
When you make a gift to the Emmaus Road Scholarship Fund, you help make an authentically Catholic education accessible and affordable for all who desire it for their child(ren). Donors have the option to direct their dollars to the general (unrestricted) fund or a restricted fund.
Unrestricted Gifts: Unrestricted gifts to the Emmaus Road Scholarship Fund effectively help families in greatest need in the diocese as scholarships may be awarded to any qualified student in Our Catholic Schools. Gifts received in our office that are not directed to a specific school(s) will be considered as unrestricted.
Restricted Gifts: We recognize that some donors may wish to direct their gift to help a specific school or schools to which they have a connection. In order to honor these donors’ wishes, we have set up restricted funds for every school in our diocese. Contributions to restricted funds will be awarded only to families enrolled at that school using the same criteria as the unrestricted funds.
**Note: Gifts may be directed to an individual school but NOT to an individual student or family. All awards from the Emmaus Road Scholarship Fund are prioritized for low-income students; however, all families who apply may be eligible.